Canine Lab Testing is a consulting service that partners with businesses in the pet care industry. We provide veterinarian-approved diagnostic testing services for your pets. Services are provided through a partnership with a Certified National Veterinary Diagnostic Lab.
Our Mission
At Canine Lab Testing our mission is to partner with pet enrichment centers like doggy daycare, boarding, and training centers to provide a parasite monitoring program.
Healthy Pets Healthy Packs
Canine Lab Testing is veterinarian owned and operated. Our mission is to improve the health of the doggy day care population. We do this this through parasite screening, optimizing vaccine protocols, and reviewing sanitation and cleaning protocols. Group play facilities have exploded in that last 2 years and more dogs are in close contact than they ever before. Unfortunately fecal testing compliance by owners has not increased. According to CAPC, in the US Giardia prevalence is 1:15, Hookworms and Roundworms are 1:50. Many group play facilities have hundreds of dogs in their program! And parasites can contaminate these environments and spread quickly! Fecal testing compliance is very low. Many of these are dogs not getting tested at all! While no one can ever provide a "parasite-free" environment, participating in screening tests will greatly reduce the incidence and duration of parasites.

Veterinarians at CLT are available to discuss any cases or questions you have. We do not treat, diagnose, or prescribe. We do not develop a Veterinarian-Client-Patient relationship. Screening for parasites if only a part of what we do. If a pet is positive for a parasite, pet parents are instructed to bring the result to their primary care veterinarian for appropriate treatment. Which may include prescription medications, an exam, and a recheck fecal sample. Pet parents always have the option of bringing a sample into their veterinarian or having it collected at the facility they attend. For some pet parents getting a sample to their veterinarian is inconvenient; due to work schedules or the location of their Veterinary Clinic. If parasite screening is delayed it is the pet, pet parent, and pet care facility that suffer.